Praise Assembly – 26.3.21

This week the handwriting award went to Noah who has made fantastic progress in his presentation skills and letter formation.

There were two stars of the week; George for sharing his great ideas for postcard writing and Hugo for working hard to improve his fluency when reading by practising the speedy green words.

The house point champion this week was awarded to Robyn who has been working hard in all areas of writing this week but especially when comparing hot and cold deserts.

Well done to you all!

Praise Assembly – 19.3.21

This week the handwriting award went to Bonnie who consistenly uses her best presentation whenever she writes.

The star of the week award went to Sterling for impressing us with his fantastic handwriting and geographical knowledge!

The house point champion this week was Henry for being a ‘Go for it Gorilla’ and sharing his ideas.

Well done to you all!

Red Nose Day

Today we celebrated Red Nose Day with a ‘Nose and Spoon’ race in our houses. An enormous well done to ‘Blue Taw’ who were the overall winners!
We also held a ‘Pick Your Own Nose’ competition where the children designed their own red nose. In Reception, the winner was Frankie, in KS1 the winner was Jessica and in KS2 the winner was Emily. Well done to you all… your designs were stunning!
We had a fantastic day raising money and awareness of Comic Relief.

Praise Assembly 12.3.21

It was wonderful to have all the children back at school this week and they have all settled back into the routines brilliantly, impressing me with their positive attitudes.

The handwriting award this week went to Huddy for fantastic progress in his letter formation and presentation.

Robyn also received a handwriting award for her stunning presentation.

The ‘Star of the week’ was awarded to Charlie for super readng.

The house point champion this week was Lily for always having such a fantastic attitude to learning.

Well done everybody!