Praise Assembly

This week the handwriting award went to Ruby for the huge improvement in her presentation.

The stars of the week were Isaac and Max for being super class ambassadors.

Our housepoint champion was Georgia who has been working hard all week and been a fantastic role model.

Well done everybody!

Praise Assembly

This week the handwriting award went to Noah who has been working hard to reduce the size of his writing and start at the edge of the page.

The stars of the week were Lilly and Jackson. Lilly for her positive, can do, attitude to learning.

Jackson for being a ‘Go for it Gorilla’ and increased confidence to have a go.

We began celebrating our house point champion with last weeks winner, Jessica. She is always a super kind friend and has been overheard giving her friends compliments.

This weeks house point champions are Archie and Phoebe. Archie for being really kind and helpful to his friends and adults alike.

Phoebe for always listening carefully, always being a kind friend and always trying her best.

Well done to you all.

Praise Assembly

This week our handwriting award went to Oakley who has been working really hard on his presentation, thinking about the size of his writing and where it sits on the line.

The star of the week was awarded to Stanley who has been working hard to listen carefully to and follow instructions.

Our house point champion was absent so will be awarded next week,

Well done to you all!

Dogs Trust Assembly

Today Stacey from the Dogs Trust came to talk to us about her work.

Stacey, with the help of Midnight, helped us learn how we can keep ourselves around dogs.

We learnt that if you see a really cute dog you should always ask the owner before stroking it so that you don’t scare the dog or get hurt. We also learnt you should also let the dog get to know you a bit before stroking by letting it sniff and/or lick you. Dogs can even tell if you are a boy or a girl just by licking you! Stacey taught us that the best way to stroke a dog is by using the flat of your hand, avoiding the head or tail. We all had a go at practising this on Midnight.

Be Safe Be Seen

This afternoon Helen from Sustrans came to talk to us about the simple things we can do to help ourselves to stay safe when we travel to and from school now that the clocks have gone back and we are experiencing more bad weather.

With the help of 3 volunteers we compared different clothing; dark clothes bright clothes and reflective clothing. We agreed that the best type of clothing to wear when walking, cycling or scooting to school was reflective as it helps us to be seen and stay safe.

Praise Assembly

This week the handwriting award went to Isaac as he has been working hard to ensure he uses the correct letter formation and use his best presentation. He has even been challenging himself to do extra practise!

The star of the week was awarded to Maisy for being kind and helpful to adults and peers alike.

The house point champion was awarded to Rex for making good choices and being ready to learn.

Well done to you all!