Praise Assembly – 22.7.22

This week the ‘Star of the Week’ was awarded to Esmee for a super attitude in phonics and making great progress.

The Handwriting Certificate was awarded to Rosie who has been working hard on her presentation and size of writing.

This week there were 4 ‘House Point Champions’, who have all been earning house points for showing that they can be caring super heroes by picking up litter.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Praise Assembly – 15.7.22

This week the ‘Star of the Week’ was awarded to Isabelle for being such a kind friend and making Carmen feel so welcome.

The Handwriting Certificate was awarded to Freddie for taking such care over his presentation.

This week there were 2 ‘House Point Champions’. Both Blake and Finn have been super helpful tidying up all of the playtime equipment.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Praise Assembly – 8.7.22

This week the ‘Star of the Week’ was awarded to the whole of Buttercup class! Every single one of them did their very best and made great progress in their Big Write about a train journey.

The Handwriting Certificate was awarded to Spencer who has been working really hard on his presentation skills.

The ‘House Point Champion’ this week was awarded to Esme who has been working really hard to complete a reading challenge.

This week Evelyn reached 2000 house points and earnt her gold badge! A huge congratulations for this achievement.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Praise Assembly – 1.7.22

This week there were two ‘Stars of the Week’. Due to illness there were children who were absent on Sports Day. Both Jackson and Amelia volunteered to do extra events to help their teams. What super sports people they are!

There were also two Handwriting awards this week. Both Isabelle and Jude impressed me with their presentation in their Big Write this week.

The ‘House Point Champion’ this week was awarded to Rosie for super listening and carefully following instructions.

This week Ben and Sophia both reached 2000 house points and earnt their gold badge! A huge congratulations for this achievement.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Praise Assembly – 24.6.22

This week the ‘Star of the Week’ was awarded to Violet for working really hard ALL year on her jobs with Mrs Breslan Smith.

The Handwriting Certificate was awarded to Freddie who has been working really hard and shown an incredible improvement in his handwriting.

There were two ‘House Point Champions’ this week. The first was awarded to Blake who is always enthusiastic to learn and shares his thoughts and ideas in class discussions.

The other was awarded to Rylie who has been working super hard on her reading and made a huge improvement in her tricky word recognition.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Praise Assembly – 17.6.22

This week the whole class were awarded ‘Star of the Week’ for being such super stars on our trip to Dawlish Warren.

The Handwriting Certificate was awarded to Evie for such a great improvement in her presentation.

The ‘House Point Champion’ this week was Regan who impressed us with his writing about a journey.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Our Sensational Sunflowers!

After several weeks of caring for our sunflowers and measuring their growth it was time to find out who has grown the tallest sunflower. Our sunflowers ranged in height from 6cm to 39cm tall. Well done Esme! Your sunflower was a whopping 39cm!

However, the children realised that their sunflowers hadn’t stopped growing and are interested to know who will end up with the tallest sunflower. Unfortunately, with the temperatures soaring it was agreed that school was no longer the best place for our sunflowers as nobody can water them over the weekend. It was decided it was best to take them home. The children were keen to keep measuring them to see who the tallest sunflower when they flower. I wonder who it will be!

Praise Assembly – 27.5.22

This week there were two Stars of the Week’!

The first was awarded to Ayrton who has continued to work really hard on his presentation and really impressed me with his sustained writing this week.

The second award went to Koby who is taking part in the Book Quest Challenge at the library and has now read 50 books! What a super reader!

The Handwriting Certificate was awarded to Ella this week who continues to work really hard to reduce the size of her writing.

The ‘House Point Champion’ this week was awarded to Ronnie who has been such a kind and caring friend this week especially to Rosie, and has been a great teacher when coding using Purple Mash.

Well done to everybody for another super week in Buttercup Class, you should all be super proud of yourselves.

Jubilee Tea Party

Today we enjoyed a street style tea party, complete with sandwiches, pizza, cake and jelly to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We all looked fantastic in our crowns and there was much flag waving, thanks to a donation of flags by the PTFA.

A huge ‘THANK YOU’ must go to the kitchen staff who worked incredibly hard to make a feast fit for Kings and Queens!

The winners of the crown competition will be announced in assembly tomorrow. 👑👑👑