Year 2 Camp

The children in Year 2 have all had the opportunity to take part in a camp.  The children learnt circus skills and watched a magic show before enjoying a BBQ supper and settling down to watch a movie with hot chocolate.  All the children had a fantastic time.


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Sunflower competition

Our classroom is so warm at the moment and our sunflowers are growing so tall that we decided it was time to put them in some larger pots and place them outside.  The children carefully re-planted them with the help of Mrs Prout and have put them outside the classroom so that they can continue to care for them.  At the moment Jesse and Natalia have the tallest sunflowers.

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Cultural Champions

Today the children were Cultural Champions as they learned all  about Hinduism.  Sandhya Dave visited Aspen Class and taught us all about her religion and culture.  She shared special artefacts, shared stories with us and taught us a prayer.  The children were fascinated by Ganesh the elephant god, Ravana the 10 headed king and the belief of developing a third eye through spiritual enlightenment.

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Bug Hunt

This week the children went on a bug hunt with Mrs Prout.   It was quite a surprise to find a frog! The children also collected piles of twigs that they tied together to make places for ladybirds to hibernate.  We will take these to the new school when we move so that we can create a haven for minibeasts.

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Visit to Exeter Museum

This week we visited Exeter Museum as part of our local studies along with the Year 1 class at Marldon primary school.  The children completed a scavenger hunt to help them learn about more about the history of the local area.  The children discovered that once upon a time there were woolly mammoths in Marldon, that the Romans invaded the city of Exeter and that a wooden man that was 2,400 years old was discovered in Kingsteignton and was thought to be a children’s toy.

The children were fascinated by the stuffed animal exhibits!

After lunch the children played some parachute games with their new friends before returning to school.

The children were all brilliantly behaved and made me very proud.

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